What the ESB did

We stayed at home tonight to see if the Empire State Building did anything spectacular at midnight: It stayed lit. It usually goes dark at the stroke of twelve, but I happened to wake at 5:56 am (I'll be going back to sleep, Lord willing) and it's still going.

On the coldest New Year on record for NYC we were content to watch the lights flash off the buildings leading to Times Square, hear the melé from our window, watch the fireworks on the southern tip of Manhattan, and recall days gone by, when we could watch the ball drop from the roof of The Lamb's Church/Theatres, where I was on staff. It's now closed for renovations, but that was where we watched it mark the new millenium.

I did stand on the square the night it turned 1994, which was my eighth day in the city. I think that was the coldest New Year on record at that point, only a few degrees "warmer" than last night's 18. We went out on Times Square at about 2pm.

The next year (actually it was probably the next morning!) I discovered that we could pass through the parking garage next to The Lamb's and get a clear view at 11:55. A few years later a building was torn down and it opened up a clear view from the roof.

Ah, those were the days. We'd play games and drink hot cocoa while we waited. One year I performed The Revelation in front of what was then the largest fireplace in North America.

But last night was quite special in its own way as we thanked God for an amazing year ( http://RichDrama.com/NewsBlog 12/24), especially for the miraculous view that we do have: http://RichDrama.com/MP

And we prayed for the coming year: for our plans and dreams and for those of the world. Lord, give us the grace to praise You every day of 2009, no matter what comes.

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