Help send Beyond the Chariots to London for the Olympics

We'll be going to London and Birmingham to perform Beyond the Chariots during the Summer Olympics. Our friend Liz Jennings will be  joining us to advance translation slides as I perform my play about Olympic champion Eric Liddell. Some of Liddell's story is told in the film Chariots of Fire, which will be showing in UK theatres in the run-up to the Games. There is also a stage version of the film that is being produced in the West End. We're hoping many will want to know what came after Olympic gold.

Pastor Linda Warren invited support for the trip.

To give to the trip visit, or if you'd like it to be tax deductible mark "Olympics" on your check and deposit it in the offering on Sunday or send it to Westchester Chapel.

This announcement is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.
I shared this excerpt from my one-man play The Acts during the Friday night banquet at our denomination's District Assembly. The theme of the weekend was "Mission Possible", based on Acts 1:8.

This monologue is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

© Copyright 1999 and 2012 by Rich Swingle. All rights reserved. Performance of the monologue is forbidden without express written consent from the playwright. To arrange a performance of The Acts visit

The Sandals of Peace

Here's my sermon on Ephesians 6:15. It contains excerpts from my one-man play The Revelation.

Rich mentions his sermon on Peter walking on water, Freedom from Fear of Circumstances.

Go deeper. Dr. Timothy J. Keller's series on The Armor of God includes four sermons on The Sandals of Peace:
The Armor of God
Sandals of Peace--1
Sandals of Peace--2
Sandals of Peace--3
Making Peace

The sermon is followed by prayer over Pastor Rachel Taylor and her three roommates, Rachel, Laura and Sarah, as they celebrate graduation from Nyack College/Alliance Theological Seminary.

This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.