Love in Denmark

Joyce shares about God's love from 1 John 4:7-21 for the Nazarene Church in Greve, Denmark, just outside of Copenhagen.

Joyce was interpreted into Danish through headphones for those who needed it, so she doesn't pause for interpretation, but you can hear the interpreter speaking into the headphone system.

Click the arrow below to play the message, or if you're getting this via email, click here.

Joyce shares how she committed her life to Jesus Christ. If you're interested in knowing more about Jesus, visit

I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of Quaker abolitionist John Woolman, who spoke against slavery a century before our Civil War.

American Abolitionist Heading to Oslo

Lørdag 1. September kl. 19:00 setter Nordic Black Theatre opp forestillingen «I dreamed I was free» av og med den New York baserte film- og teaterskuespilleren Rich Swingle.

Swingle er en kritikerrost skuespiller og teaterforfatter, og i has stykke «I dreamed I was free” forteller han historien om John Woolman som tok til orde mot slaveriet i de amerikanske koloniene over ett århundre år før den amerikanske borgerkrigen gjorde slutt på slaveriet på blodig vis.

Woolman, som selv var en kveker, ble tidlig overbevist om at slaveriet var en ondskap som måtte fordrives og dedikerte sitt liv til å overbevise andre kvekere om å slutte med trelldom og støtte til menneskehandel.

Swingle spiller en rekke karakterer og får fram Woolmans ensomme, vanskelige, men fredelige kamp for å påvirke en hel bevegelse om sin overbevisning

Swingle har reist Jorden rundt med forestillingen, inklusive forestillinger «off-Broadway» i New York og en omfattende turne i England.

Gå ikke glipp av denne engasjerende og gripende historien om en ekte amerikansk helt!

I Dreamed I Was Free vises lørdag 1. september kl. 19.00 på Nordic Black Theatre, Hollendergata 8, 0505 Oslo. (tel. 22 41 95 00 / 98 80 18 84)

Forestillingen er på engelsk.

Turneen inkluderer også forestillinger i Danmark, Sverige, Finland, og Tyskland.

For mer informasjon og bilder, se


The Nordic Black Theatre will host New York City film and stage actor Rich Swingle in his performance of I Dreamed I Was Free on Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 19:00.

Swingle is a critically acclaimed actor and playwright. His play I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of real life John Woolman who advocates ending slavery in the American colonies more than a hundred years before the American Civil War settled the matter with bloodshed.

Woolman, a Quaker, became convinced of the evils of slavery in his youth and dedicated his lifetime to convincing Quakers to cease owning slaves and supporting the slave economy.

Playing a number of characters, Swingle chronicles Woolman’s lonely and difficult but peaceful battle to convince an entire denomination to move against slavery.

Swingle has performed the play throughout the world, including Off-Broadway in New York and on a tour throughout England.

Don’t miss this stirring portrait of a real American hero.

I Dreamed I Was Free will be performed Saturday, 1 September at 19:00 at the Nordic Black Theatre, Hollendergata 8, 0505 Oslo. For directions call 22 41 95 00 or 98 80 18 84.

The tour will also include performances and workshops in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Germany.

For more information and photos, go to

Lamplighter Guild for Creative Disciplines

I've been praying for years that I could teach there, and recently that prayer was answered, and it was much more fulfilling than I'd imagined! Isn't that always the way with the Lord?

I guided almost forty students as they created four separate sketches through sociodrama.

After our final rehearsal I suggested that two or three of them should close us in prayer. Over an hour later they reluctantly went to bed. One of our students realized her headache was gone. We prayed and laughed and wept in the joy of the Lord. Revival! Sweet revival! Friday morning they announced that lunch would be delayed 15 minutes, so Mark Hamby, the director of the Guild invited students up to testify. Within seconds a student behind me said, "Your prayer was answered!" The night before I'd prayed that our students would get the chance to share! On the shuttle to the bus station Peter Fecteau, his son and I counted up 24 distinct miracles we'd observed this week. Moments later He made it an even 25! I was able to get the earlier bus, and the gentleman waived the change fee!

I just got a note from one of the students saying he and some others are going to collaborate on an audio drama! Praise the Lord!

Here's the film our students created:

I helped with casting and wrangling extras.

It was so great to work alongside longtime friends David Sanborn and John Fornof, and to get to know the rest of the wonderful faculty!

Here are some of the photos I took that week.

Visit for more photos and info.

I'm happy to do workshops anywhere in the world:

Beautifully Broken

We saw a screener of this film about a true story, and it's just incredible! Be sure to put it in your calendar for August 24 and see it in a theater.

Child sponsorship is a central part of the plot, so if you are inspired to sponsor a child, visit

Because of the subject matter parents of pre-teens should take care, but it very creatively explores heavy events by giving you enough to know what's going on and no more.

I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of Quaker abolitionist John Woolman, who spoke against slavery a century before our Civil War. Follow us as we bring the play to the Nordic Black Theatre in Oslo, Norway:

Courage to Face What's Ahead

This morning I got to perform Revelation 1:9-20 at Westchester Chapel.

Dr. Linda Warren taught on Revelation 1:9-20. She shares from the pain of a miscarriage they endured, and how the presence of the Lord gave her courage to speak about it. Pastor Jim Warren opens and prays over Joyce and I as we prepare for our trip to Scandinavia.

Click the arrow below, or if you're reading this in an email you can click this link, to play the service:

This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

If you want to more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance.