Abraham and the Covenant Keeper

Trevor the Treasure Seeker and his actor explore the story of Abraham for the children of Westchester Chapel.

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Here's a great video about covenant, and it mentions Abraham's covenant with the Lord:

The sketch "The Covenant Keeper" is from my one-man play Views of the Manger.

I helped the actors develop "Father Abraham Had Many Faith-filled Moments" through sociodrama for the Winona Lake Brethren Church. For more on sociodrama visit www.RichDrama.com/Workshops www.RichDrama.com

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat www.RichDrama.com/Pentecost.

Is Jesus Your King?

This morning at Westchester ChapelJoyce taught on Matthew 2 about Jesus the King of His People and prays that each person would be willing to let the Lord remove sin and demonic spirits from them so that they can recognize Jesus at work in the world and be prepared for His Second Coming.  

She mentions the Swingle Christmas tree and manger scene, both pictured here. 
She also mentions a Wednesday night Bible study by Rebekah W. and one by Pastor Randy Solomon, as well as last week's message by Pastor Jim Warren. I pray over the message and the offering.

Click the arrows below, or if you're reading this in an email you can click this link, to play the service:


Joyce's message reminded me of a documentary we saw years ago that illuminates modern astronomical studies which show what the magi saw:

This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

I play a Scrooge-like character in the audio drama, Unlikely Wise Man. It was going to be free until December 31, but last I checked it was still free.