Wendy & Bob

I'm on the Oregon Coast for my cousin Wendy's wedding.

For photos click here.

If you've uploaded photos (Picasa.com or PhotoWorks.com are a couple of good free options) post a URL in a comment below.

My friend summited Everest

I just learned that my friend, Brian Smith, reached the highest point on the planet! He's the son of Larry & Linda Smith. Larry and his twin, Lloyd have been friends of my dad since they were in third grade. Larry taught me just about everything I know about photography, so if you like the photos on this blog, thank Larry.

Brian nearly lost his life before reaching the top. The following link has an article with links to others detailing the journey: South Medford grad scales Mount Everest summit.

Congratulations, Brian!

Salvo Leaders

I just got to work with a great bunch of leaders of the Salvation Army at a camp outside of Jacksonville, FL.

Besides teaching them acting skills and giving them a run-down on various forms, I helped them develop a script on Saturday that we performed on Sunday!

Great job, guys!

In the land of the Terrible Towel

On September 10 and 11 I performed Five Bells for 9/11 here.

An article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette drew some people, including one fellow who had friends that had performed at the Edinburgh Fringe. Of the 2000 shows there I'm afraid their's wasn't one that crossed our radar screen.

Ann Van Hine, whose husband is portrayed in Five Bells spoke after the play, as she's done in the past. Every time it moves me to hear how she chose to turn to God in those devestating hours. It made a huge difference. She has total peace about it all.

In the past Ann mentioned that the play will have more significance as time goes by, and this year I really saw that. There was a six year-old scampering about that was almost born on 9/11/01 because her mother was so emotional that day she thought she was going into labor. The doctors sent her home, and the wonderful girl I met last night was born 10 days later.

Every year our nation finds more healing. I can tell because each year people laugh a little more at the jokes in the play..


Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp

Act One: Writing for Hollywood

Territorial Arts Ministries (Eastern Territory)

Territorial Music Institute (Southern Territory)

Christians in Theatre Arts
National Conferences and Regional Networking

Lillenas Music and Drama Resources

Local Workshops
Rich performs and teaches all over the world
You can also sign up for Rich's itinerary updates to see when he'll be near you: RichDrama.com/Updates

Handbook for Multi-Sensory Worship--Book and CD-ROM
(Features "The Move" by Rich Swingle)

Lillenas Publishers: Lillenas.com/drama

Bringing Scripture Alive! by Carol Jaudes

Drama Ministry Magazine: DramaMinistry.com
CrossPoint Script Service: CrossPointScripts.com
SelectScripts by Paul Johnson and Nicole Johnson

Chuck Neighbors: MastersImage.com

Caught in the Act...of Worship edited by Martyn Scott Thomas.

Enacted Prayer


Recommended Reading

Savidge, Dale and Johnson, Todd (2009).  Performing the Sacred: Theology and Theatre in Dialogue. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerAcademic.

Harbinson, Colin (ed.) (2005). Redeeming the Arts. Occasional Paper by the Lausanne Issue Group on The Arts. Published as a special edition of The Creative Arts: A Journal of the Arts and Faith. Jackson, MS: Belhaven.

L’Engle, Madeline (1980). Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art. Wheaton, IL: H. Shaw.

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Back in NYC

I was disappointed to leave Paris too early to follow the sunset the whole way, but we caught it just before touching down.