The Jingle Bell Jog

I went out for a morning run to find people warming up for The Jingle Bell Jog right outside my hotel. So I ran it. I've been training to play Eric Liddell in the spring for the dramatizations we'll add to our documentary:

But I over-estimated what kind of shape I was in and let the leader drain me in that first km, but I managed to stay in 8th place and brought home a 2nd place medal for my age group. My time for the 5k course was 19:55, way off my college times, but I haven't raced at this distance since then, so I guess it wasn't too bad. Most of the run was on the Austin Peay State University campus. Their banners proudly encourage: "Go Peay!"

1 comment:

Rich Swingle said...

I just took 20 seconds / mile off my time on a treadmill. That would have placed 1st for my age group and 4th overall.