Daughter of an Olympic Champion

After tonight's performance, Julie Gallimore (pictured here) bought a copy of Running the Race (available at http://RichDrama.com/BookStore). Her father, Richard E. Howell, won the gold medal in swimming for the 4x200m freestyle relay at the Paris Olympics in 1924. He died before Chariots of Fire, which covers those Games from the viewpoint of several British runners, including Eric Liddell. I tell about the rest of Liddell's story in my play Beyond the Chariots (http://RichDrama.com/BeyondtheChariots). Gallimore said her father did get a biography about Eric Liddell by DP Thomson in the early '70's. John Keddie, the author of Running the Race, helped compile Liddell's track record for that book.

The photo is by Dr. Timothy Beal, the pastor of Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church, where I performed Views of the Manger: http://RichDrama.com/ViewsoftheManger. We attended one of their worship services this morning and I was so moved that if I weren't already a Christian I'm sure I would have given my life to the Lord today! One of the reasons I was so touched was that Dr. Beal's message was on Joseph, who's story is at the middle of the five-character play. So many of the points Dr. Beal made paralleled things in Views of the Manger that I knew would reinforce his message. The Lord set it up!

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