Enacted prayer answered

During our enacted prayer elective we also sanctified ourselves for the work we'll do this week. We prayed for the camp and what we did was a prayer for freedom in worship. In the enactment God pulled an oppressive spirit off of a student, so the student was able to praise freely. During the elective and again as the service began we prayed that the Lord's prayer would surface when we asked the students for a real prayer request. The request that popped right out was for freedom in worship. So we enacted a very similar prayer as we had earlier in the day. Seems God really wants freedom for the students here.

Later in the service a student from last year testified about how she requested an enacted prayer for her brother, who was addicted to drugs. I played the brother and remember a great clenching of my fists, grasping the drugs. In the prayer God finally pulled the brother away from the drugs, after a great struggle against God I embraced him. Then I embraced the family. The enactment gave the student encouragement to ask others for more prayer. When she called home her mom asked if the student had been praying for her brother. He turned himself into a detox center, gave his life to the Lord, then went on a 3 day fast because of his sins. After that he went running up & down the halls of the detox center praising God. He's still striving for a close walk with the Lord.

Another student shared how my play The Revelation last year reignited his relationship with God. He hadn't spoken to Him for at least a year. The student said, "After the play I said, 'Hey, God, you want to be friends,' and He said, 'Sweet.'"

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