A very talented CAST

I just finished directing the Salvation Army's Creative Artist Service Team (theTAMjam.com, click on CAST). The play was 30 minutes, so in the 2.5 days I had with them I hoped to finish blocking in time to have our first run-through last night for invited guests. With God's help we actually finished blocking before dinner a day earlier! We had the first run-through that night. Unbelievable! We were able to spend the whole second day fine tuning, and during the run through for invited guests the actors only called for lines a handful of times: Maraculous!

The play "New Testament Rewind" will mostly be performed at summer camps. It is a race from Christ's birth to the Revelation. In the photo CAST members are flying like X-Wing Fighters into formation for a Star Wars-like opening.

It was so much fun. I don't remember when I laughed so hard!

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