Pray with Others Live: "FBI or KGB" and "We're Being Groomed for the Antichrist"

Joyce and I led Intercessors for America in praying for our nation today on Pray with Others Live. We covered today’s articles on including two we wrote: 

and mine: 

Click the images below to watch...

Here's my full interview with Sherronna Bishop ( and Tina Peters, Clerk of Mesa County, Colorado (

My interview and article both follow up on two articles I wrote for last December: 

Homeschool Interrupted by an FBI Battering Ram


Is the FBI Becoming America's KGB?

The second article tracks the history of the Communist Party USA.

We covered the first article on Pray with Others Live:

I made my debut on Pray with America's Leaders to help interview Sherronna Bishop and Clerk Tina Peters:

This episode of Pray with America's Leaders was nominated for the Best Justice - Prayer Award at the Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit

Here's my initial interview with Sherrona Bishop:

Joyce and I are on Pray with Others Live the second and fifth Tuesday every month. Visit to get reminders so you can pray with us live. 

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat

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