Interview on The Gate

Last month I did some interviews, ads and station identifiers for long-time friend, George Flores, on The Gate, international internet radio! We had people listening in from all over the US, Haifa, the Ukraine, Germany and more. I did station identifiers with greetings in several different languages. Such fun!

George kindly allowed me to post it here:

Here's the schedule for the main interview:
December 10, 8:40 AM Eastern
December 11, 9:40 PM Eastern
December 12, 1:30 PM Eastern
December 13, 8:40 AM Eastern
December 14, 9:40 PM Eastern
December 15, 7:40 AM Eastern

Here are links to some of the things we talked about:

• My Grandma:
• Big Fish / Little Worm
• The Revelation
• The Acts
• A Clear Leading
• Beyond the Chariots (
Full list of my plays
Full list of nations where I've performed
Beyond the Mask
• Providence
• In His Steps
• Alone Yet Not Alone
You can listen to The Gate via their phone app or via

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance.

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