An article on a performance of Beyond the Chariots

From the in the Macon County Chronicle on my performance of Beyond the Chariots at Christ Alive Church the morning of the premiere of Providence.

Used by permission.

And the follow-up:
Also used by permission.

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Cindy Palin said...

So good to read up on more of what you are doing Rich, gives us a birds eye view on more of your heart:)
Wish I could be down there for the premier of Providence, but I will be in spirit.
Perhaps when you come up this way again, we'll be able to see "Beyond the Chariots".

Cindy Palin

Rich Swingle said...

Thanks so very much, Cindy! We were so very pleased with how Providence cut together, and your song is SO beautiful. I can't tell you where it falls or it would give away a HUGE plot point, but it covers two of my key scenes. I'm not sure if you saw your name on IMDb, since soundtracks are sort of hidden under "Did you know?" Here's a direct link.

Hope it won't be too long before we return to Calgary!