The Billy Graham Library

Between performances in South Carolina I drove up to Charlotte, NC, to visit the Billy Graham Library. It was quite impressive. The breadth of Dr. Graham's career, which has covered seven decades, was told in a wide variety of ways. The one that brought me the most delight was when I entered a room filled with images of people from all over the world. In between documentary snippets on three huge screens, one of the people began speaking! The man's image was on a vertical TV! In another section, there was a replica of the broken Berlin Wall to help tell how much Dr. Graham did for Germany during its unification. Another room played clips from some of the 70 films his World Wide Pictures produced. One of those featured was The Hiding Place in which Jeanette Clift George played Corrie ten Boom.

Very creative stuff to celebrate a man who's creatively used technology at every stage.

But the Library isn't really about Dr. Graham at all. At every step the focus was on the Good News that Dr. Graham was sharing. In the room with all the images of people from around the world a young Billy said that he resented the idea of being called an evangelist, because it was associated with emotionalism and greed. But then he realized that an evangelist is one who proclaims the Good News that Jesus Christ meets every need that we have from now to eternity. He said he's just sharing the Truth: "I didn't make it up."

1 comment:

Rich Swingle said...

Mom read The Hiding Place to us as boys, and it had a huge impact on me. Teaching alongside Jeanette Cliff George, who portrayed her, was a tremendous blessing! Later, when performing in Princess Cut I got to perform with Mimi Sagadin, who plays Corrie ten Boom in Return to the Hiding Place, and it's been a tremendous blessing to teach with her twice now at The Christian Worldview Film Festival Guild.