Small World

I just got off the phone with my friend Brent Grosvenor (pictured here, playing Billy Sunday). He was wanting me to recommend someone for a role in The Passion of the King, a play he's directing this spring.

He mentioned that he had run into Boyd Owen, who played John Proctor in The Crucible last summer at the MasterWorks Festival. Boyd was still in Winona Lake, IN, after the festival closed down, and was there to see Brent perform Sunday in Manhattan, his one-man play on Billy Sunday (who lived in Winona Lake). Boyd didn't know Brent and I were friends until he visited his website and saw that Brent had posted a very kind blurb about how I'd done some voiceover work for Sunday in Manhattan.

If you're anywhere near Manchester, CT, make plans to see The Passion of the King. I'm sure it will be at the very high level of Brent's one-man plays.

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