From the Prairie Schooner in Texas to a City Flat in New York

Friday night I'll portray CB Jernigan for the District Assembly of the Metro New York Church of the Nazarene. We're celebrating our centenial, and Jernigan was the District's superintendant in the 1920s. He, like I, moved from the country to the biggest city in the US. Most of the words of Jernigan's speech on Friday is taken directly from his book From the Prairie Schooner in Texas to a City Flat in New York. I stumbled upon the text of the book online. Click here.


Larry said...


It was a very moving well done performance. I was deeply touched.

It is a privlege to know you and work with you on our district so rich with heritage.

God bless you!

Larry Mancini

Anonymous said...

I felt like I was sitting in that first assembly hearing the report for the very first time.
It was amazing and it brought history to life. We have a rich heritage. Thank you for helping us to appreciate it.
In Christ,
Karen Guevara

Rich Swingle said...

Thanks so much! It was quite a profound experience for me.

Rich Swingle said...

This piece was just selected for performance on the main stage at the Christians in Theatre Arts National Conference, June 16.