Wings as Eagles

Ken Wales, the executive producer on CBS's series Christy, came out to see my performance of Beyond the Chariots here in Los Angeles on Sunday night. He wants to produce a film about the same part of Eric Liddell's life and invited me to write the screenplay. The working title is With Wings as Eagles. Please join me in praying for this project.

He recently produced Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce's successful drive to abolish Britain's slave trade. Watch for it early in '07. He showed an eight minute trailer that was just phenominal.

Wilberforce's accomplishment has meant even more to me since a discovery I made while performing at Pocklington School near York, England. I performed A Clear Leading, about John Woolman, who spoke out against slavery in America 100 years before the Civil War. He spoke against slavery throughout England and died in York the same year that Wilberforce wrote his first anti-slavery essay as a student of Pocklington School. The headmaster thinks there's a high likelyhood that Wilberforce heard Woolman speak.

1 comment:

Rich Swingle said...

Photo by Ken Becker.