Program inserts now online

The program inserts for our Off-Broadway run are now online.  Dr. Jim H Taylor, III, graciously penned these as "a labor of love."  Go to  In the left column scroll to the bottom.  His foreword to the Chinese translation of Eric Liddell: Pure Gold is also well worth reading, and it is just above Beyond the Chariots in the left column.

Dr. Taylor's sister, Mary Previte, who spoke quite eloquently after my performance last Saturday also has a page on this site:  

People who were there the day she spoke are quick to bring up how much they appreciated her words.  She told of her recollections from the concentration camp mentioned in the play: it's horrors but also the great things they learned from their teachers there, including Eric Liddell.  Most touching to me, was her story of Stephen Metcalf.  

Stephen was a favorite runner of "Uncle Eric's," who appointed Stephen as a helper.  Ms. Previte told how Eric taught all the students to love the Japanese, even as Christ taught his disciples to love their enemies.  Stephen grew up to be a missionary to the Japanese.  His speech at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the camp is well worth the time: World Peace and Eric Liddell (after clicking, scroll down the left column to find his name).

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