See Jesus and Take Action

This morning Joyce and I challenged Warwick Church of the Nazarene to see Jesus, what He did for us, and to take action.

At the opening, Joyce mentioned our upcoming trip to Africa to perform and speak at Africa Nazarene University next month. She mentioned that we're expanding our sketch on Harmon Schmelzenbach, the first missionary in the Church of the Nazarene. What she left out is that the expansion is in her section of the piece. She'll be sharing the dramatic testimony of Lula Schmelzenbach.

She also refers to my performance the night before of I Dreamed I Was Free, and how the performance was used to raise awareness of modern slavery.

I read excerpts from the Book of John , and she taught on those passages.

At the close of the service, Selah Cohen of Sensory Bible Experiences, blew the shofar and prayed the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew!

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If you'd like to know more about having a relationship with Jesus Christ, visit

I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of Quaker abolitionist John Woolman, who spoke against slavery a century before our Civil War.

Treasure Seekers and other projects for Children

Joyce and I just ran into a woman from the UK with an adorable child who just couldn't stay awake! It was the fourth time in three days that I wished I had one URL for all the children's projects in which I've performed, so I jotted down this URL before it was created:

Now it works, but I realized I have a number of Treasure Seeker episodes, and I need to pack for my flight to Ft. Worth tomorrow so I'm ready to teach at the Content 19 Actors Boot Camp! So I'll add the Treasure Seekers episodes later, but for now, you can find most of them at

I pray they'll keep your child awake! :-)

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance.

2nd Chances

I got to perform in what is now my favorite movie!

What a joy to work with these young servants of the Lord! 

I love it because it's such a powerful picture of how the Lord can transform a life, even one broken by pain, guilt and loss. No one is beyond the Lord's reach. 

Moments before the photo to the left was taken, Joshua K. Carpenter said I looked familiar to him. Then he pulled out his phone and showed me the poster at the top of this post. He'd been weighing in on it because his distribution company is working with Steadfast Pictures to release the film next month.

So it was tremendously cool when Joshua presented the Audience Choice Actor of the Year Award, opened the envelope and read my name! 

God is up to wonderful things with 2nd Chances!!!

I play a lead in Providence, which you can bring to your area.