No, that doesn't stand for "too much information" in this case. It's the Territorial Music Institute for the Salvation Army. I was a special guest, which meant (among other things) that I was featured in a special service, along with the other special guests. We each taught each other something in our discipline in about 30 seconds and then expected the special guest of another discipline to perfect it by the time the 30 seconds was up. It was great fun!

Some of my favorite moments were down by the lake for "Sealed Orders." Students and faculty would get their orders, and when the command was given to open them we would read the devotional in an outdoor amphitheater overlooking a lake and a glowing Cross. It was amazing. As often as I was able, I stuck around to pray with students who lingered. There were some really awesome breakthroughs!

My main responsibility was to direct one of the drama groups in creating and preparing a drama for the final performance through sociodrama, and I think it turned out very well. It is a part of a new series of sketches I'm developing called Theatre for Revival. I think you'll see why:

We're about to open registration for the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp. Sign up to get the announcement.

Moses is coming!

We got a sneak peek of a filmed performance of the Sight & Sound production of Moses, which is heading to movie theaters on September 13 and 15. I'll post my review on September 12, but don't wait to reserve your tickets:

I play a lead in Providence, which you can bring to your area.

Courage to Walk in the Impossible

Pastor Joyce Swingle preaches on Matthew 14:22-33. Pastor Rachel Taylor shares announcements, including information on the Swingles' upcoming missions trip to Scandinavia.

Click the arrow below, or if you're reading this in an email you can click this link, to play the service:

This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

We showed this video just before the sermon:

If you want to more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit

Help us take I Dreamed I Was Free to the Nordic Black Theatre in Oslo, Norway: