The review of the Ivy League Congress on Faith and Action is now online: The Ivy League Christian Observer (Summer 2011). Their report on the Congress starts on page 12: "Hands raised, bodies swayed, voices lifted in song. At the Ivy League Congress on Faith and Action in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 380 students gathered to seek and praise the One who could not be seen, but whose presence was palpably felt." [Read more]
It was hosted by Harvard, and was "one of the largest gathering of Ivy League Christians in history." Matt Bennett, founding president of Christian Union, which organized the event told presenters that their group at Princeton is the largest student group on campus. The group at Harvard is growing faster than Princeton's and the group at Yale is growing faster than Harvard's.
I'm quoted on page 17:
"The performing arts are a powerful communication instrument, and, by and large, they have been used by people who don't know God to encourage people to worship gods of their own making," said Rich Swingle, an actor based in New York City. Swingle wants believers to "take back the entertainment industry and tell stories that point to the One True God."My talk at the Congress can be seen at
[Read the rest of the article]