Eric Liddell's Bible Reading program
Eric Liddell's Scripture List.
It won't get you through the whole Bible in a year, but it looks like the seedbed for some good devotions.
I'm going to pair it with The Word of Promise.
Happy New Year!
Pure Delight
I remember a moment in time when I made a very clear decision that I would carry some of what it was to be a child into adulthood. I was sitting in a restaurant with several friends from high school. I had to leave to get back to class and I was tucked into the middle of a circular booth. My first inclination was to crawl under the table. I instantly checked myself, as I was too old for that sort of thing. Then came the moment of clarity: I knew I would grow up and be a responsible member of society, but if I lost all of what was childlike, something in me would die. I saved my own holistic life and dove under the table. It's a decision that's brought me a greater ability to write and act, and most certainly it's allowed me to have a deeper faith.
The Water Horse shows a boy at just such a juncture, but it's much more interesting than a table at Angelo's Pizza.
Cross-Pond pattern
Candle-light service
> Jean Valjean, an essential spark, an element of the divine;
> indestructable in this world and immortal in the next, which
> goodness can preserve, nourish and fan into flame, and which evil
> can never quite extinguish?
> --Victor Hugo
> on the front of the theatre across from my office, just off Times
> Square
Merry Christmas
This artwork was done by Riquelmys, who we sponsor through Compassion. He lives in the Dominican Republic and has been a blessing to us for many years.
This year has been quite full. Between Rich & Joyce we had about 240 performances or teachings in 18 states and 7 foreign nations.
Here are some of the highlights of 2007:
Hong Kong
The Philippines (some posts also in February)
June & July
MasterWorks Festival (
France (no performances)
Scotland (The Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Stay tuned. There are some very exciting things developing for 2008.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Rich & Joyce
Nativity on Times Square
Evidently he committed his life to the Lord while in prison for drunk driving and assault. He certainly proved his commitment by kneeling in the straw over concrete in subfreezing temps.
3 short films
United Kingdom
From UK |
I got to perform Beyond the Chariots, Jonah from Big Fish Little Worm and "Harvey Silverstein", written by Mac Nelson, from Views of the Manger, for a church in Birmingham. In London I performed "Lazarus", written by former MasterWorks Theatre Dept head, Sean Gaffney, from Big Fish Little Worm for a Swahili service.
That came about through the daughter of Njeri, the woman who helped raise my mom in Kenya from 1948-1953. I got to meet Njeri on her third visit to the UK since 1999. I met her on her first visit as well, which was on my first trip to England. What are the chances my trips corresponded with hers without either of us knowing of the others' schedule either time? Only the One who set up both visits knows.
From UK |
For more photos visit
Happy Thanksgiving!
Inside was a chocolate egg. Inside the egg was a plastic yoke. Inside the yoke was a dragon. Who knew a turkey could give birth to such a thing?
Back at Carnegie Hall
The NY Times review didn't mention that the audience called the conductor back nine times after the final piece on the program. That included two encores. It was thrilling.
In All Circumstances
How can we truly have grateful hearts at Thanksgiving with the bad choices people make all around us? Join us at 7pm the night before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 21, at Westchester Chapel for "In All Circumstances," a sketch based on portions of The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. Corrie, her sister, Betsie, and their father built a false wall into their home in Haarlem, the Netherlands, to hide Jewish people during the Holocaust. The ten Booms were turned in and the sisters joined 1400 women in the quarters of Ravensbruck, a concentration camp built to hold 400. Experience the hope that helped them thank God in all circumstances. Out of the sketch Joyce Swingle will preach and Dom Crincoli will lead worship. Join us in giving thanks. |
Directions by car:
Public Transportation from NYC:
Amazing Grace on DVD today
Amazing Grace, DVD Amazing Grace, from acclaimed director, Michael Apted, tells the inspiring story of how one man's passion and perseverance changed the world. Based on the true-life story of William Wilberforce (Gruffudd), a leader of the British abolition movement, the film chronicles his epic struggle to pass a law to end the slave trade in the late 18th century. Along the way, Wilberforce meets intense opposition from members of Parliament who feel the slave trade is tied to the stability of the British Empire. Several friends, including Wilberforce's minister, John Newton (Finney), a reformed slave ship captain who penned the beloved hymn Amazing Grace, urge him to see the cause through. Rated PG. Approx. 111 Minutes. DVD Special Features:
Waiting for my Fingers
You'll also love Mac's other book, Memoirs of a Hollywood Adventure.
Word of Promise
The Word of Promise The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible uses Dramatic Audio Theater to deliver the entire New Testament in a new and exciting way, complete with music and sound effects. Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) leads this star-studded cast in a compelling presentation of the New King James Version New Testament. This multi-voiced audio drama is directed by actor, writer, producer and president of the award-winning Cerny/American Creative Studios, JoBe Cerny. It features an original music score written by award-winning Italian composer, Stefano Mainetti and state-of-the-art sound effects. 25 Hours on 20 CDs in a zippered case. Special Features and Cast List:
Welch Revival
Lord, bring more of that!
Here's the whole article:
Heart for the Nations
Rachels' Beetles
MasterWorks reunion
Jessica is rehearsing to play Kate in Taming of the Shrew. Congrats! Congratulations, Jessica!
Back at Carnegie Hall
Baby Charlotte
Hello Rich,The baby Charlotte, a 6 month old that you brought before the Lord this weekend who had a rare form of bone cancer, has been diagnosed as cancer free. She had a fourth rib removed and had a spot on her kidney that the doctors were concerned about. The spot was radiation damage only and she is expected to recover completely.PTL
Beating the clock again
Feast of Tabernacles
The Biblical Feast of Tabernacles
Join us to experience the sights and sounds of Jerusalem some 2000 years ago...authentic food, costumed servants, drama, dance, worship, and a celebration of God's abundant provision! A free event. A free-will offering will be taken.
Directions from NYC
A Mountaintop Experience
Lakeside performances
MasterWorks Festival East (Side)
Joyce and I hosted MasterWorks Festival alum from NYC. We had a screening of two alum films: David Edward Kavinaugh's 42 minute The Wrath of Black Bow (4:24 minute trailer) and Cody Mahan's The Unforgettable Battle of Epic Proportions. Both had interesting takes on screen violence.
Our brand
I was in junior high when the property turned from a ranch to a farm, so I have fond memories of cow pie fights. The best were dry enough to fling like a frisby and soft enough to make a good splat on impact.
Wendy & Bob
I'm on the Oregon Coast for my cousin Wendy's wedding.
For photos click here.
If you've uploaded photos ( or are a couple of good free options) post a URL in a comment below.
My friend summited Everest
I just learned that my friend, Brian Smith, reached the highest point on the planet! He's the son of Larry & Linda Smith. Larry and his twin, Lloyd have been friends of my dad since they were in third grade. Larry taught me just about everything I know about photography, so if you like the photos on this blog, thank Larry.
Brian nearly lost his life before reaching the top. The following link has an article with links to others detailing the journey: South Medford grad scales Mount Everest summit.
Congratulations, Brian!
Salvo Leaders
Besides teaching them acting skills and giving them a run-down on various forms, I helped them develop a script on Saturday that we performed on Sunday!
Great job, guys!
In the land of the Terrible Towel
An article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette drew some people, including one fellow who had friends that had performed at the Edinburgh Fringe. Of the 2000 shows there I'm afraid their's wasn't one that crossed our radar screen.
Ann Van Hine, whose husband is portrayed in Five Bells spoke after the play, as she's done in the past. Every time it moves me to hear how she chose to turn to God in those devestating hours. It made a huge difference. She has total peace about it all.
In the past Ann mentioned that the play will have more significance as time goes by, and this year I really saw that. There was a six year-old scampering about that was almost born on 9/11/01 because her mother was so emotional that day she thought she was going into labor. The doctors sent her home, and the wonderful girl I met last night was born 10 days later.
Every year our nation finds more healing. I can tell because each year people laugh a little more at the jokes in the play..
Lillenas Publishers:
Enacted Prayer
Recommended Reading
L’Engle, Madeline (1980). Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art. Wheaton, IL: H. Shaw.