The Messenger's Box

I was honored to play the role of Jesus in The Messenger's Box. I've portrayed the Lord many times on stage in numerous nations, but this is the first time on film. There's something very special about that.

It's now available on DVD and Digital Download.

It debuted near Detroit on October 10, and Tricia Ouellette was kind enough to snap a shot of the screen, which I got permission to share here:

Playing Jesus with Joseph Ouellette.

It's directed by my friend, Gary Bosek. I performed with him in The Screenwriters and Polycarp. Joyce and I have seen it and really enjoyed it.

You may be wondering how Jesus fits into this modern piece. I can't wait for you to find out.


Rich Swingle said...

While I was being made up as Jesus for the crucifixion, a gentleman who had been watching us film asked, "Are you a religious person yourself?" I answered, "I don't care much for religion, but I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ." He came to my performance of The Revelation the next day, and by that time he had visited my website and seen that I'm involved in leadership at my church, Westchester Chapel Church of the Nazarene. He thought by saying I wasn't religious that I didn't attend a church. I told him that I LOVE being a part of a church, but the word "religious" to me implies doing things to earn God's favor and Salvation. I said it's a relationship with Jesus Christ that brings Salvation and favor with God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Once you're in a relationship with the Lord you want to go to church and spend time with fellow believers to grow in your relationship with the One you love.

Later I thought of an analogy that may have made the concept more clear: My bride Joyce and I haven't missed a day of talking to each other since we got engaged October 4, 1997. As much as I travel that's a true miracle! We don't make the effort to call out of obligation or because that's the way that we'll be married. We won't be divorced if we miss talking one day, but we LOVE to talk to each other. If I'm on the road we typically talk 2-5 times a day if the schedule allows.

If we truly understand what Jesus did for us on the Cross we'll want to live for him.

Here are more of my thoughts on a personal relationship with the Lover of Our Souls:

Anonymous said...

I WAS IMPRESSED ! ! ! You were shown right at the start on the spiral stone steps giving the box to Simon. You looked just perfect; terrific face shot with those special features and eyes that you have. I remember also the excellently appropriate voice you have---just perfect for the part. I wish now that I would have watched the filming of the crucifixion that day after talking with you while the "bloody" makeup was being done. I thought the script, acting, editing, and musical score were very well done. The entire creation was very well done and far exceeded my expectations.
-- Ralph Dixon
Macomb, MI

Anonymous said...


It was amazing to get the opportunity to work with you on this Film! I was not aware that this was actually your first time portraying the Lord, in a film! You were terrific! I am not going to lie, while we were recording the crucifixion scenes, I actually was getting chocked up! When I watched through the camera, I just couldn't believe I was filming this!!

Thank you for allowing me this chance and thank you taking the time to travel here and perform this part! I greatly appreciate your talent and passion for performing the role of Jesus!

Thank you again!

- Jeff McHale
Director of Photography for "The Messenger's Box"

Rich Swingle said...

Jeff, Thanks so much for your encouraging comment! Praying the Lord continues to bless your work!