Pray Over Broadway Live: The Booth Theatre

I prayed over the Booth Theatre at 222 W. 45th Street at 2:22 on 2/22/22 quoting Isaiah 22:22. Click here or on the image to join the prayer.

For more in this series visit

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance

Honor Fellow Believers

Joyce illuminates 1 Peter 3:7

Click the arrows below, or if you're reading this in an email you can click this link, to play the service:

Here's Joyce's introduction to the video:

And here's the main sermon:

The audio version of the sermon is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

If you want to know more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit

Photo courtesy of

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat

George Washington: Soldier, President, Intercessor

On the February 8 posted Joyce’s article about songwriting couple, Natasha and David Owens. His dreams become her songs: IFA Singer's Story of Healing and Hope

We both got to talk about our articles and more on Pray with Other's Live that day

Here’s my interview with producer/director Tammy Lane and Willie Mellina, who plays George Washington:

Here’s Tammy’s announcement about the debut of the first film in the trilogy, The Journey:

Here are some behind the scenes photos:

I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of Quaker abolitionist John Woolman, who spoke against slavery a century before our Civil War.

Preparing for Princess Cut

Princess Cut 3 will debut on Valentine's Day, and I thought I'd encourage you to watch the first two if you haven't already seen them. 

I got to play Nigel Livengood in the first one, and we've been waiting for the right moment to share this video I put together while preparing for the role, and this is it! 

I sat in the window seat on my flight to set, and the guy who sat next to me had a mustache as big as mine! I thought about saying, "We'll have to tell whoever comes next that this row is reserved for large mustaches. Wouldn't you know the guy in the aisle seat had a big mustache, too! Wish I'd taken a photo! 

Hope you enjoy all three Princess Cut films! 

I play a lead in Providence, which you can bring to your area.

Ruth: a Picture of Loyalty

Here's the latest Treasure Seekers episode, "Ruth: a Picture of Loyalty":

Here's a longer version for older youth, told as Rich: "Rich Swingle Tells the Story of Ruth."
See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online, performed at the Singapore Expo on the heels of the 2010 Youth Olympics, and book a live performance