Plays in NYC

I have a friend who just graduated with a degree in playwriting. He's about to leave the NYC area and asked what play/s to see before his sad departure.

I thought I'd post the observations I sent him:

We LOVED The 39 Steps. Read my review at . You can watch Hitchcock's classic for free on and then see the play for a great lesson in adaptation. They made some choices to make it a bit racier, but it's still within the bounds of decency, and in fact emphasizes the theme of marriage more clearly than hitchcock.

Another great piece is my mentor, Tina Howe's Chasing Manet (Off-Bway), which I also reviewed at .

We loved 33 Variations, starring Jane Fonda, who is now a committed Christian. My friend, David Lander (who was lighting designer for my play, Beyond the Chariots, for its Off-Broadway run), designed their lighting, for which he was just nominated for a Tony.

God of Carnage is quite well written (except for the all-but-constant profanity, which I believe is inferior writing no matter what you think about the Lord).

The Philanthropist was a HUGE disappointment. It would be a good example of bad writing.

I have a dear friend who's doing a one-man play Off-Broadway called King David. The New York Times gave it a favorable review. I have a link to that review on .

I have three friends who review NYC plays, all from a Christian perspective:

Lauren Yarger: (She just posted the Tony nominations, which would be another great guide.)
Paul Cozby for
Retta Blaney:

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