Running the Race

A new biography on Eric Liddell, subject of my play Beyond the Chariots, has recently been released. It's called Running the Race, and it's by John Keddie, who equaled Liddell's time at Edinburgh's Craiglockhart track. The race was 44 years after Liddell's first race on that track, which was literally unchanged from his day. Later, Keddie was a consultant on Chariots of Fire.

I haven't finished the book, but what I've read is superb. It's more focused on Liddell's running than previous biographies, but, as Keddie is now a minister, it certainly isn't devoid of Liddell's devotion. It contains several photos I hadn't come across in other biographies, nor in my visits with several of Liddell's family members.

Running the Race will be presented to each member of the British Olympic Team for the Beijing Games this August.

Here's a more thorough review from The Herald: Spirited life in the fast lane races off the page.

Keddie just had an article on Liddell published in the Yorkshire Post: John Keddie: A true sporting hero who lived by his faith.

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